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Integrated medicine (or integrative medicine as it is referred to in the United States) is practising medicine in a way that selectively incorporates elements of complementary and alternative medicine into comprehensive treatment plans alongside solidly orthodox methods of diagnosis and treatment. The concept is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, but a conference in London next week, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK.

Integrated medicine is not simply a synonym for complementary medicine. Complementary medicine refers to treatments that may be used as adjuncts to conventional treatment and are not usually taught in medical schools. Integrated medicine has a larger meaning and mission, its focus being on health and healing rather than disease and treatment. It views patients as whole people with minds and spirits as well as bodies and includes these dimensions into diagnosis and treatment. It also involves patients and doctors working to maintain health by paying attention to lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, quality of rest and sleep, and the nature of relationships.

Health’s getting intimate.

The world of health is becoming even more personal with precision medicine.  Pharmaceutical companies can create and aim precision drugs against the causes of disease  and not merely treat the symptoms by recognising the molecular underpinnings of diseases.
This region is exciting,  and it’s just growing.

How We Can Help

We’re proud to guide you through the emerging field of precision medicine. Our well-established methodology thoughtfully leads you through the challenges and opportunities you’ll face along the way.

Biomarker strategy 

Our Translational Medicine Services team specializes in early-stage biomarker strategy development and execution, for example:

  • Determining what biomarkers should be evaluated and what technologies or methods are most appropriate
  • Selecting and overseeing the laboratories that conduct these specialized tests to ensure that results align with regulatory requirements
Genomics expertise

Our genomic medicine team is made of a deep bench of specialists with success using genomic information to support drug discovery, development, commercialization, and reimbursement. We can help you answer critical questions such as:

  • What genetic variants are relevant for selecting or stratifying patients?
  • How does genomic variation impact feasibility and site selection?
  • What technology is best to generate the genetic results?
  • What is the best way to mitigate risk of variability in global regulations related to genomic testing?